Sunday, October 12, 2008


In his blog, Chris Blattman argues that we should end the process of

I agree with the argument that it's a shame that the tip has become an
obligation. However, I like tipping. I try to tip everyone, including
my barista, because it helps to ensure good service the next time I use
the services provided at a particular establishment.

I try to tip with coins at the coffee shop when I can, incidentally,
because they clink when they go into the tip jar, and they can hear me
tipping, even if their back is turned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about this issue myself, since they don't tip here. They think we are crazy in the States to pay more for service that should be required. But, predictably, the service is wretched. I think this is why we have the impression that Europeans are rude. They aren't - they just don't have anything to be nice for!