Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Guys with Guns

One thing I don't get: Why do security guards in Guatemala use pump
shotguns, while all of the security guards I've seen here carry AK
rifles? Given the economic situation of each country, one might think
that these were economic decisions, but why would Peru have an abundance
of AKs and not Guatemala?

At least the guards are older than 14.

I also want to note that I saw possibly the coolest police vehicle I've
ever seen. Better than the mustang interceptors some police departments
are now using. I saw a Kaiser Jeep pickup truck with a riot setup that
consisted of a metal box-shaped frame welded to the chassis, with wire
grating (a little thicker than chicken wire) welded on. Presumably,
this is so that the truck can be used to bash back crowds of angry
protesters while being protected from flying rocks, airborne guinea
pigs, and the occasional high-velocity freeze-dried potato.

Really, though, the cool part is the fact that it was an old Kaiser
pickup. Those things rule.

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