Monday, October 20, 2008

¡Feliz Cumpleaños a Mi!

Thanks to all of you who wished me a happy birthday... Maureen
commented on my facebook page that she hoped I would get a cake from my
family. I did, in fact, get two cakes. One last night at the house,
and one at the language school where I'm getting my Quechua lessons.
They were both pretty good, but the kicker was the Peruvian dish that
went along with the cake. I believe it was "Pollo al Aji" or something
like that. Mildly spicy casserole-like dish with potatoes (of course),
onion, cheese, and chicken over a bed of lettuce, served over rice. The
Peruvians really do know how to cook!

In other news, I've been taking some pictures of graffiti around town
(all ostensibly political, though some more than others) which I'm going
to upload to my picasa page. Since Emily has been asking for pictures
of my hat, I'm also going to put a picture of that up as well. I'll
also put a link in the sidebar.

1 comment:

zane said...

Oops! Happy birthday Glenn, Aimee and I hope you are having a good time.