Friday, July 21, 2017

June 30, Sarah Island to Butedale

For a third day, our unbelievable weather luck held. After a calm morning with favorable tides, the wind picked up from the South--this appeared to be a typical inflow pattern. We were able to make very good progress again, paddling all the way the the abandoned cannery at Butedale.

Well, not completely abandoned. We had a nice time chatting with the caretaker, who offered to rent us a room with wifi and running water. We opted to camp on the Butedale helipad instead, but he very kindly joined us for a fire before we turned in.

We were concerned that the inflow winds would continue the following day, but past Butedale, they would blow from the Northwest, making progress hard. But the weather forecast was for rain! With a low pressure ridge over the area, inflow winds would be unlikely, so we held our breath and didn't set an alarm, worn out after the previous several very productive but long days of paddling.

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