Monday, July 3, 2017

June 19, Out of Port Hardy

It rained all night on the 18th--we were happy to be indoors. In the morning, we asked for a late checkout witty the idea that we probably would be able to finish our various and sundry errands in the morning and then get out of the room by one or so. We just barely made it!

A trip to the post office to pick up our food box was successful, and we mailed a few small things back to Juneau. Then, a few additional groceries and we were good to go. Repacked our food, put on our mostly-dry wetsuits, and ostentatiously exited through the same service entrance we entered through, though on a lower tide. Getting the kayaks back down the rip rap behind the hotel was the big adventure of the day.

That afternoon, we made it about a dozen miles, doing most of the crossing of Queen Charlotte Strait. Pretty big water, but broken up into several shorter crossings of a few miles each between a number of island groups. Stayed at a beach campsite in a pretty cove which was mostly covered at high tide--we wound up having to move the tent in a rain shower, getting everything wet in the process. Fortunately, before we turned in. After that, had an uneventful night.

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