Saturday, July 1, 2017

June 17, Alder Bay to Islands East of Port Hardy

I've gotten so far behind on these log entries now that I'm having trouble remembering the names of all the places we've stayed. I'll have to go back and update once I have access to all the charts again, at the end of the trip!

On the 17th, we pulled another relatively long day, leaving Alder Bay after an excellent food truck breakfast, and paddling past Port McNeil and along the beautiful beaches stretching from there to the Port Hardy airport, several miles further up the coast. Turns out that we had no need to worry about finding a beach campsite after Alder Bay, although we did have an excellent stay that also saved us substantial time later in Port Hardy.

Tides were in our favor, and we made good time until the very end of the day, when the wind started to pick up from the North, against us.

We spent the night that night on one of several islands to the East of Port Hardy. The pullout was on a pretty clamshell beach in a relatively protected cove, and we found a tent site a hundred feet back on a faint trail, among a group of culturally modified trees. We were also watched by a group of ravens the whole time we were there, which made the place feel very big and old.

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