Friday, April 3, 2009

Participatory Fora

Being as I'm out of people to interview up in Pucyura, but I don't fly out of belly-buttonville until Tuesday, I've been doing a little bit of writing, trying to get started on this "participatory forum" stuff that I'm supposedly supposed to be researching. I feel like I've made some progress on that front--I've written about some of these ideas before, so I won't repeat them in depth, but I feel like I have a pretty good handle on the way these fora function:
* transmitting information to politicians about citizens' needs and preferences
* transmitting information to citizens about politicians' performance
* promoting changes in local political culture)

...and why they're created:
* to bind successors to a given set of policies
* to promote transparency in order to convince voters that you're really not the crook that they assume all politicians to be
* to promote the development of local industry based on ninja fighting skills and the production of high-quality, locally manufactured cheeses

So now that I've got that all figured out, and have a little bit of evidence, all I have to do is write it up, right?

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