Saturday, August 9, 2008

"Yale's Zedillo"

I'm a little behind on my blog reading--Google Reader wasn't cooperating
with me when I was in Salamá, so I couldn't use the offline function. I
gave up on it, for offline purposes at least, and I'm using this RSS
aggregator called NetNewsWire which doesn't do the aggravating things
that Google Reader does... So I'm catching up.

On August 2, Mankiw (in his blog) refers to "Yale's Ernesto Zedillo."
We're not talking about another Zedillo here, right? There is only
one? I'm offline here, and I would normally want to check this before
sending the post off, but if I wait, I'll forget.

Shouldn't that be, "Former Mexican president Ernesto Zedillo, now of
Yale University?" Or am I missing something. If I was the guy under
whom Mexico democratized, and I was referred by a snarky Harvard
economics professor as "Yale's... whatever" I think I'd be ticked off!
So maybe I'm wrong, and there are two Ernesto Zedillos.

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