Sunday, July 20, 2008

Obama in the New Yorker

Emily sent me the article about Barack Obama which was the cover feature
(I understand) of the New Yorker--Emily had a strongly negative response
to the article. She felt that it confirms his artificial character (she
refers to him as a "slick law professor.")

She's right, but I'm not so sure that's a bad thing. One of the things
that worries me about Obama is his inexperience and ostensible
idealism. However, the article paints him as someone who talks like an
idealist, but acts like a realist (in a non-I.R. sense). It also paints
him as someone who is willing to work with apparent enemies and rivals
to pursue his personal goals. Lizza, the author, and Emily, are
ambivalent about this characteristic. I'm a little ambivalent about
Obama, but this story doesn't hurt him, in my mind. We really could use
some characters like that--people who can talk trash in front of the
cameras, but work with the opposition the rest of the time.

Of course, I'd prefer that the trash-talking never took place, as well.
But in an imperfect world...

But I personally have my own party allegiances to worry about--it's hard
for me to vote for either McCain or Obama, because of my strong links
with the WPPA.

Wool Pants Part of America '08
Wool Pants: The Pants of the People.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now they have candidates I can trust!

PS. If I vote for you can I sleep with the head of the party when he gets home?