Thursday, July 17, 2008

Not such a great day

Got attacked by mean dogs, and wasn't able to find my interviewee...

At least there was a beautiful walk involved, though. And I was fast
enough that I didn't get bit. One of these days I'll have enough
internet that I'll be able to put together a couple more pictures to
upload to the blog.

I walked up to a little village just over Uspántan, where the locals
claimed not to know the guy I was looking for. And they said, "today,
almost nobody here is home." It was pretty clear that they were
reluctant to talk to me themselves. Figured that was a good sign not to
press it.

I think I'm going to wind things up here for a while, then give it
another go in a week or two. Think I'm going to go to Santa Eulalia,
which is even more rural, and further up in the highlands. Either on
the way out or the way back, I'll make a stop in Sacapulas or
Huehuetenango. Sacapulas is a little place about an hour and a half
east of here, and Huehue is a medium-sized place--one of the bigger
places in the highlands, which is the jumping-off point for a trip to
Santa Eulalia.

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