Thursday, June 15, 2017

June 8, Copeland Islands to Homfray Creek

Headed out fairly efficiently this AM, after a windy night. Rained all morning, but the Copelands were as pretty in the rain as they were in the sun the afternoon before. Paddled into Desolation Sound with the help of some Southeasterly wind, which then turned East as we rounded the Malaspina Peninsula. Suddenly, I felt like I was back in the fjords of SE Alaska!

Actually, that's not quite right. We were still seeing salal and Arbutus, and the mountains were, if anything, more dramatic than those in Southeast. A bit more like the rapidly eroding cliffs of Kauai, but with snow at the top. Beautiful.

Fought the breeze for a while, then it wheeled around again as we approached our first potential campsite, mid-afternoon. Campsite looked a little grim, so we decided to keep moving, especially as we were getting a good push from the wind and paddling through the absolutely stunning scenery really beat shivering in a wet, windy campsite.

Wound up staying at a marginal
Campsite several miles further on, at a place called Homfray Creek. The campsite is located on an old logging road overgrown with alders, and across the creek from an operating logging camp. The haulout was terrible, too--probably an old log slide--but we were happy to have a flat, protected, and by this time relatively dry camp for the night.

Four thumbs up on Desolation Sound, two thumbs down on Homfray Creek.

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