Thursday, June 15, 2017

June 11, Greene Point Rapids and Solitary Mountain

Even though the 10th wasn't a super high-mileage day for us, the late night of paddling was a bit of a trial. We got up a little later than usual, but managed to catch the end of the ebb, though it was mostly negated by a Norhwesterly wind. By the time we arrived at our next set of rapids--Greene Point--we were long past the ebb and slack and contemplated camping at the rapids, then heading on the following morning. That would have made a very short day, however, and the available tent sites didn't look super-appealing; either a flat rock that might be covered at high tide or a very uneven grassy surface just above high tide.

We decided to continue, first attempting to skirt the rapids on the East side unsuccessfully, then laboriously ferrying across through boils and shifting currents to the West side, where we were able to work up the shallows in eddies and counter-currents. The next several miles brought more of the same; slow progress against the current, before we called a halt at a beautiful and very comfortable campsite under cedars at a place called Solitary Mountain, with beach camping and flat, duff-padded tentsites.

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