Thursday, June 15, 2017

June 13, Solitary Mountain to Poyntz Island

On the 13th, we again expected contrary winds, but conditions looked better as we got up, and we decided to try again to sneak in several miles before predicted stronger Northwesterlies arrived. We headed out with Greg, our neighbor for the night, but quickly separated, as he was (unsurprisingly) moving much faster than us.

We were able to make good progress against the wind to Whirlpool rapids, which we glided through on the tail end of the ebb before running into strong contrary winds in Sunderlin Channel, as predicted.

We had hoped to make it farther, but wound up hunkering down at a very pretty campsite on Poyntz island, which was surprisingly sheltered from the wind. The early finish left time for fishing, which was, however, unsuccessful. Were able to get a strong cell signal, however, and had another nice conversation with Emily, who helped us plan our next moves using the magic of the internet.

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