Thursday, June 1, 2017

June 1, Portland Island to Wallace Island

After a very pleasant evening and morning on Portland Island, Carl and I launched and headed Northwest, towards Beaver Point on Saltspring Island.  We took a short break at Ruckle Provincial Park--looked like a very nice place to camp--then headed through Swanson Channel and across to Prevost Island through Captain Passage.  Wind was calm as we progressed across to Montague Harbor on Galiano Island, where we took another break, then began to pick up, from the West, as we continued on to Wallace Island, where we planned to camp.  The remainder of the day--about eight miles--took several hours as we struggled against the wind and chop.

We initially planned to stay at Conover Cove Campground on Wallace, landing on the North side of the island, based on data available at the BC Marine Trails Network web site.  However, when we located the Northern landing site, we found that it was really to far to carry our things, so we continued on to the Cabin Bay, though we were very tired and the wind continued to blow.

In the end, we were glad we did.  The campsite is on a beautiful peninsula that connects to a near-island (possibly an island at very high tides) and which has pretty slot beaches on either side.  Also, there were tent platforms and although there was no food cache, we had no trouble bear-bagging our food (we had two bear kegs and an Ursack, but with sixteen days of food, couldn't fit everything).  Necessary, in this case, because of an almost unbelievable number of raccoons.

That evening, we also saw clam worms in the water, and jellyfish and barnacles lit up by bioluminescent algae--the first time I had seen the phenomenon outside of an aquarium.  One of the nicest campsites of the summer.  BC Parks does a great job.  

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