Monday, October 19, 2009

Book Clubs are Bad (?)

Blattman refers us to this.

Book clubs evil?


Anonymous said...

"So if reading — in this sense of pleasurable invasion — is a sexual experience, then the book club is the equivalent of a locker room."

Dude, I read Proust last weekend... that guy writes so goooooooood.

An interesting perspective, reading is the most intimate art-form, and perhaps reading doesn't mesh well with book clubs. BUT. I don't think that's the point of Book Clubs. Book Clubs are civil gatherings. The base form of governent. Our founding fathers were essentially a book club, reading from the great thinkers of the time and working to create the foundation for our nation.

Chris Gerbi said...

Does that make someone reading over your shoulder a three-way? I think reading is good, and if you won't do it on your own then a book club could be a good thing, even if its just wine and cheese you still read the book (maybe).

Elisabeth Bennett said...

My mom has been in the same book club for almost 20 years. For her and her friends it has really become a social gathering where they drink wine and briefly talk about the book. I think that it is a good thing because each member is responsible for finding a book and it opens up their eyes to different books that they may have never heard of before.