Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Hannah Weinberger

We are coming upon an age where we need new innovation, and new attitudes towards the way we do things. Watch this clip and see how Hollywood, Florida is changing incentives for recycling, and how much of an impact it is having on the amount of recycling growth in the city.

Other cities around the country should start to think about programs that give incentives to recycling, besides just saving the planet. For many, that is not a worthwhile reason to begin to change their lifestyle.



Ian Mallams said...

That's a great incentive to recycle for sure. I think the points and coupons are a good idea because that results in a tangible item boosting the economy more than just receiving money. Win-win situation.

Cory Ravelson said...

Obviously recycling is very important and it is something everyone should start doing, if not already. Every city in America should be required to come up with a zero waste plan and a cohesive recycling effort.

Douglas W. said...

Ironic that the lady in the piece wants to save her points for an I-pad, which is a major cog in the works of designed obsolescence.

Ron C said...

3. I think that the Recycle Bank program is a great idea to promote recycling. However, it’s pretty sad to say that people only do such things because of incentive. This is a great example, that could possibly displayed in the Freakonomics series by Levitt and Dubner which declares that people will only perform such actions because there is incentive to be gained.