Sunday, August 13, 2017

July 22, Wrangell through Dry Strait

Looking a little fuzzy and pretty well armed! LeConte Bay behind me.
 Dinner was macaroni and cheese.
After a tasty breakfast at the Grand View, Emily and I managed to get out on the water by about 10:30, which was about right for us to catch high slack across the Stikine River Delta, the idea being to make it through Dry Strait before the tide turned and currents made it too hard to make progress.

We had good luck on our crossing over to Mitkof, passing by Kadin island on the way. The relatively long crossing made Emily a little uncomfortable, combined with some wind and following seas, fog, and vessel traffic, but in the end, we had no problems and made it through Dry Strait just about on schedule.

In a way, the day was a little anticlimactic, since we saw no sign of gravel bars or mudflats on the delta, but we had very favorable tides all day and made good mileage. Also had some good wildlife sightings (harbor porpoises and whales). And once we were through Dry Strait, we could see icebergs floating out of LeConte bay, working their way down from the glacier.

Although the very high tides were helpful in our crossing of Dry Strait, they meant that we needed to find a good upland site--we had good luck in finding a site with a good view towards LeConte, with a nice gravel beach and water. We decided that the campsite was called "Iceberg View." The site would also have good beach camping at neap tides.

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