Monday, August 7, 2017

July 17, Vixen Point to Frosty Bay

The 17th seemed like a long day--both of us were dragging. We had good paddling weather and mostly favorable tides, but it was a warm day, and the previous few had been pretty tiring for both of us.

Mostly pretty rocky shorelines on the route. Hard to find good break spots without going well out of our way, which might have helped to make the day seem longer.

As we paddled past Easterly Island, we watched and listened as two male sea lions with large harems grunted at one another from several hundred yards away at one another trying to attract females away from the other.

We arrived at the Frosty Bay cabin, where we spent the night, without too much trouble. The cabin is pretty and well kept, though it was posted with reminders to campers not to store food in the cabin; apparently bears had broken into another cabin closer to Ketchikan earlier in the summer in search of food.

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