Sunday, July 22, 2012

Some Musings on Facial Hair

Typically, when I travel, I clip my moustache to a "horseshoe" from it's standard, be-handlebarred state.
Early on in this trip, though, I decided that I would grow out a World Beard and Moustache Championship "natural goatee" on account of the terrible beating my chin was taking, shaving everyday with cold water.  The goatee has come in quite nicely.  I can grow whiskers on my chinny-chin-chin pretty well these days, and only really have trouble growing hair on my cheeks.  Even that comes in with time.

I have attempted to keep it square at the bottom to make it a bit more distinctive than the average goatee, but it occurred to me that, unless he has recently changed his own facial hair, Carl will arrive on Tuesday with approximately the same facial hair as my own.  This is troubling, as I will appear like a shorter, squatter Carl with subtler shirts.

I believe my only hope is to begin training my moustache into a bit of a curl, in what I somewhat inaccurately like to refer to as the "Bolognesi".

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