Thursday, September 3, 2009

Fate of Afghanistan

Blog by: Joe Blinn

A NY times article wrote today that the deputy chief of intelligence of Afghanistan was killed by a suicide bomber Wednesday morning in Afghanistan. Dr. Abdullah Laghmani was leaving the mosque in Laghman when a man ran up to him and detonated an explosive. The city of Laghman was not known to have much Taliban influence, but this just goes to show that the Taliban isa ruthless society with no boundaries.

I ultimately came to this question. In Afghanistan, where does the political obligation lie? Here in the United States of America it is clear that citizens have large political obligation towards our government to follow laws and things of that nature. All I hear in the news and in the media regarding the middle-east seems to just be an update of the latest suicide bomb, or newest terrorist threat, or most recent death toll; indicating that in Afghanistan there is little to no political obligation- to the Afghan government. The Taliban has such a huge influence in this part of the world they have many followers, which takes away support for the local government.

Is it possible to have two powers of authority in a functioning society? In this case I would say absolutely not, simply because the values of the Taliban, and the values of the Afghan government are vastly differing.

What then is the solution to the problem in Afghanistan? I realize that has been a question that has been attempted to be answered for years and years, so perhaps a better question would be; Will Afghanistan always have the fear of the Taliban lurking over their shoulder or will they every be freed from this barbaric group?
Published: September 2, 2009

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