Monday, June 29, 2009

San Ignacio de Velasco

Man, what a pretty little town! Beautiful reproduction of the Jesuit
mission church on the plaza de armas, with elaborately carved and
painted hardwood columns and trim, brick-paved streets (when they're
paved), adobe roof tiles, horses grazing in the plaza...

I also had really good luck this afternoon getting interviews--three
interviews in in the afternoon, which feels really good, after having
spent so long without getting any significant number of interviews.
I'll spend more time talking about the content of those interviews
tomorrow, but at least so far, it sounds like good things are happening
here in San Ignacio.

The only place I could get a reservation in this town was at the most
expensive hotel here, which goes for $55/night. This is not a cost I
can afford, but I was afraid of getting here after an all-night bus trip
and not having a place to stay. So I'm enjoying the cushy bed and
swimming pool while I'm here. This afternoon, I found another place
which is a lot cheaper, though probably still too expensive, but looks
really comfortable and is literally right next door.

And tomorrow, I'm going to try to get a couple more interviews. I'll be
curious to hear how many Aubrey, Boz and Maureen have gotten, but I'm at
92 now, but I'm trying to break 100 (which I figure is pretty good,
because Robert Putnam says he gets "over 100" interviews in preparation
for _Making Democracy Work_, which is something like 30 years of
fieldwork. And I've already got better facial hair going for me.

By the way, sorry for the crappy formatting. Internet is ungodly slow
here, which means I need to post from my e-mail, hence the formatting

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